What Fruits can I use
for Cider making?
Different flavours of cider can be made from near enough any
type of fruit, from berry to elderflower. However, apples are the traditional
fruit used to make cider and are used to make the main base of the beverage.
The flavourings of other fruits can be added to adjust the flavour accordingly.
Getting the balance
If you want to stick to traditional cider, the variety of
apples to choose from allows you to change the overall taste by mixing the
different types. The key is to have the perfect balance of acidity, sweetness
and slight bitterness. Different mixes of apples are going to give different
flavoured ciders, take note of the proportions you are using as there is no way
of knowing the outcome in advance- this will help you to adjust your recipe for
the future.
Pear Cider (Perry)
Perry is the equivalent of apple cider. Replace the apples
with the same weight of pears. Ripe pears are much easier to pulp than apples.
Perry differs from apple cider in its taste, it tends to be more delicate than
apple cider and sweeter, some people comment that it has a citrus and tropical
fruit flavour.
Berry Cider
If you want to venture outside of traditional cider adding
different fruits can be a great way to customise the taste to your preferences.
Berries are a popular choice, adding strawberries with a squeeze of lime is
said to be the perfect addition for a Summer BBQ. To do this, add the
strawberries whole into the fermenter along with the apples. If you want to add
lime as well, peel them and cut into quarters, add these too then finish like
you would normal cider.
Elderflower Cider
Another combination that is popular is elderflower. Adding
an elderflower flavour gives it a lemony and fresh aroma.
When making cider, any fruit can be added to the apples or
pears to change the finished taste. It’s all about testing and changing the
proportions in order to find the right mixture for you. Something to note
though is adding sweetness to your drink can make it more alcoholic. Fruits
with more natural sugar will contribute to this. Making
cider is a lengthy process that takes time and patience at Vigo Presses we
offer a range
of products designed to help you make your perfect cider. We’d love to see
your fruity ciders, tweet us a photo @VigoPresses or tag us in your Facebook
photos. www.vigopresses.co.uk